Delivery Updates

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Delivery Updates

When there's a delayed shipment we'll update it right here.



December 13th, 2024 - 9.52u


We've just got news that shipment is delayed untill monday December 16th. 


To reward you for your patience we're going to add a 20% discount on top off the cover prices for these delayed issues!


If you want to check if your anticipated arrival is among them you can do so right here:


Week 49 releases


Week 50 Releases




December 13th, 2024


We are expecting the delivery later today but are calculating an even further delay. So it's possible that a part of week 49 and the whole of week 50 are coming early next week.


If you want to check if your anticipated arrival is among them you can do so right here:


Week 49 releases


Week 50 Releases